The U District Partnership is committed to ensuring our business community has the resources they need to thrive. Whether you’re a current business owner in the U District or looking to expand into our neighborhood, we’re here to help.
Vacant Spaces Revival Grant
Interested in expanding your business in the U District? Our Vacant Spaces Revival Grant offers up to $100,000 in funding for businesses filling vacant ground-floor commercial spaces.
Learn MoreOne-on-One Business Support
Need help navigating permitting, grant applications, or other business-related issues? We can help by providing technical assistance and walking you through the steps you need to take.
Commercial Space Matchmaking
Having trouble finding a new space for your business? Unsure of what spaces are available? We can help you find the perfect location to open, relocate, or expand your business in the U District.
City/State Business Resources
Unsure of what city/state resources you can take advantage of? Join our mailing list and we’ll make sure you stay connected about all of the programs you’re eligible for.
Meet other Entrepreneurs and Business-Owners
Would you like to build a strong connection with other successful businesses in the U District? We have multiple ways to get involved including small business roundtable discussions, economic development committee, and other opportunities to stay connected.
Business Webinars
Curious to learn more about growing or supporting your business? Join our webinars that cover a variety of topics including marketing, business 201, and more.
Business Support & Advocacy
Frustrated or in need of an organization to advocate business challenges on your behalf? We are a voice for you at City Hall, and always open to hear your concerns and help advocate for solutions to support your business.
Storefront Enhancement & Outdoor Dining Design Support
Unsure of how to construct your storefront to highlight your brand, increase awareness, and attract new customers? Let us help by providing you with best practices, advice, and support.
Interested in outdoor dining but don’t know where to start? We can help you through the permitting, design, and construction process.
Cleaning & Safety
Wan’t to ensure you open your business in a clean & safe environment? We implement regular services which include: (1) Daily cleaning of University Way; (2) 24-hour graffiti abatement program; (3) Storefront revitalization cleaning; (4) Homelessness outreach; and (5) 7-day a week ambassador program.
Beautification & Placemaking
Interested in opening your business in an active neighborhood with art and public amenities? We’ve implemented a variety of strategies to uplift the U District including: (1) Year-round tree lighting on University Way; (2); A robust mural program; and (3) 43rd Street Outdoor Dining Plaza.
Learn MorePlug Into Neighborhood Events & Marketing
Need help marketing your business or interested in participating in one of our business promotion events? We offer a range of services to attract more customers including: (1) Free marketing and promotion on; (2) Newsletter shoutouts for new businesses; and (3) Multiple business-focused events including StreetFair, BobaFest, FoodWalk, and Cherry Blossom Festival.
Learn MoreReady to take advantage of these Business Support Services? Contact The U District Partnership to learn more about these services and how we can help: